Ashlar Vellum Xenon 8.2.863 SP2R3 | 122.78 MB
Xenon, like our flagship software, Cobalt™, offers supreme design flexibility and speed, without the high-end mechanical functions, like equation-driven parametrics and mechanical parts library. For both Macintosh and Windows, Xenon lets designers work freely without worrying about how to run their software. For those doing highly stylized concepts with a great degree of customization, Xenon offers the best of Cobalt's features at a more moderate price. In a world where highly customized, one-off products rule, Xenon reigns supreme. Save time and money as you move from concept through completion.
The Vellum® magic is addictive—ask any Ashlar-Vellum customer why they use our products and you’ll hear about “Vellumness.” Across our product line, the uniting element is the magical feel of creative simplicity and efficient power. It anticipates your needs and quietly offers help without distraction or intrusion.
Explore design ideas—conceptualize, experiment, even play, in 2D or 3D. Not even a pencil and cocktail napkin offer more freedom (Margaritas optional). Then work interactively with clients to painlessly refine designs. Powerful associativity and Design Explorer history tracking automatically ripple changes through the model and drawing sheets.
Imagine any shape—sensual curves, organic forms, and flowing edges are easily drawn in Ashlar-Vellum software, unlike traditional CAD programs. Set your own style, without limits.
Manufacture with confidence — Xenon's precise 3D data guarantees accurate drawings, letting you export data for fabrication and send shop drawings to manufacturing.
Rise above the competition — leading design innovators share a common tool: Ashlar-Vellum products. From renowned jewelry designers in New York and Paris to athletic equipment companies in the Pacific Northwest, from Apple Computer to Scaled Composites, Xenon’s flexibility frees creative people to focus on design.
Transfer files seamlessly — collaborate creatively with others. Even files from high-end, enterprise-based CAD programs can be imported and exported. Work within the power and elegance of the Vellum interface, then export the file to meet the demands of less enlightened CAD users.
Sell your ideas successfully — the photo-realistic rendering in Xenon goes beyond visualization to reality. Get faster buy-in from your clients, then show manufacturing what you expect. Everyone involved sees exactly the results you envision. Your products not only go to market faster, but you are assured of greater success.
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